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Rolfing® Structural Integration

This is the gospel of Rolfing: When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.
— Ida P. Rolf Ph.D.

Rolfing® is a unique system of exploring the structural efficiency of a body in space with respect to gravity. Rolfing® focuses on improving the alignment and support of the body system by releasing old holding patterns and facilitating greater integration through the whole system. This is done primarily by assessing the movement of fascia and connective tissue through the body, and the patterns of habitual movement and spacial awareness that perpetuate maladaptive holdings.

Connective tissue, consisting of 20% of the average body mass, encapsulates all of the various tissues, such as muscles, nerves, and organs in the body creating a three-dimensional network of support. This spiderweb matrix is molded through genetics, life experiences and on going habits into the body we recognize as us when we look in the mirror.

Tension or adhesions in different layers of this connective tissue will hinder ease of movement and, if severe enough, will adversely impact our structural alignment. This compromised alignment will increase the gravitational leverage on the body structure, necessitating an increased effort to stabilize the body in space. Increased stabilization effort and reduction in coordinative movement will accelerate fatigue and result in many of the following physical experiences:

  • Rounded Shoulders

  • Low back sway

  • Tilted pelvis

  • Knee issues

  • Foot pain

  • Muscle tension

  • Joint stiffness

  • Headaches

  • TMJ

  • Forward head shift

Little Boy Logo

Over time, as this increased effort persists, the coordinative relationship between the nerves and musculature deteriorates. Improving this relationship can increase ease of movement, reduce fatigue, change structural posture and positively affect the psychological state of well being over time.

Rolfing®, Rolfer®, Rolf Movement® and the Little Boy Logo are registered servicemarks of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, Colorado. 

These skills, gifts and experience as well as a humble confidence and an extraordinary multi-modality knowledge base, as well as a teaching manner that was both gentle and respecting as a rule, single out Matthew Berean as the finest Certified Advanced Rolfer®/ healer that I have had the pleasure to experience.
— Fred Moss M.D.