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Classes and Workshops

Weekly Yoga Classes

Matthew's current weekly yoga class offerings.

Yoga Now Chicago- 742 N LaSalle Dr. Suite 201 (Classes are Currently available Streaming)

  • Restorative Yoga

Sunday 4:00-5:30pm

This class will be very different than any other Restorative class you have taken. Each class is an invitation to dare to go slow. Based on the SATYA (Sensory Awarness Training for Yoga Attunment) developed by Tias Little and Prajna Yoga, classes are steeped in helping students to increase their somatic awareness by feeling the subtlety of the body more. Students lay on the ground for support while introducing slow gentle movements into the bodyfield. This helps support the slowing down of the nervous system while creating more space for breath and other fluids of the body to flow.

I found Matthew through his yoga classes and was amazed by his keen knowledge and how profoundly different it was to most classes I had participated in throughout my 20+ years of practicing.
— Laurel M.

Please check the studio schedule for any changes with substitute teachers.


Please check back later for information about future workshop offerings.